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WinSPC Report Builder (RAVE) rss button
Topics related to the usage of RAVE to create and modify report templates
There were 6 articles found in this category:
  1. questionIn Report Designer, what is the difference between using '+' and '&'?
    Both '+' and '&' can be used in WinSPC's Report Designer, introduced in WinSPC 8.0, for string concatenation. Both allow the user to combine two strings together to form one output string, with a minor difference. The '+' concatenates the strings as is, while the '&' adds a space betwe ...

  2. questionUsing the SortKey property on a DataBand
    In RAVE, a databand’s output (using a dataview) can be sorted using the ‘SortKey’ property on the databand. You can sort on any field (or combination of fields) that are present in the dataview that is attached to the databand. This property can be set to a single field usin ...

  3. questionWhat is RAVE?
    RAVE (Report Authoring Visual Environment) is WinSPC's visual report building tool that can be used to create new report templates or modify existing ones. RAVE allows the creation of banded reports, similar to other reporting tools such as Crystal Reports. To access the visual report builder f ...

  4. questionHow do I add a cover page to my report template?
    To add a cover page to an existing report template: Make a copy of your existing report template (just so you have a backup of the original). Edit the properties of the report template (double click on the report template or right-click on the report template and select 'Properties'). Access t ...

  5. questionWhat is the difference between the OnGetText and OnBeforePrint event methods for a Text component?
    The OnBeforePrint event is an event in the RAVE (report template) script that is called each time the component will be printed, regardless of if the component is visible or invisible. For example, if a Text component will print 10 times on a page (due to it being on a data band that prints 10 ...

  6. questionHow do I use the Expression Calculator component in the Report Designer (RAVE)?
    The Expression Calculator component can be used to perform calculations on one or more data fields from a DataView. This report designer component is not a visible component (meaning it will not show up in the designer, but will show up in the object tree on the right side of the report templat ...

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