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Is there a way to display multiple charts on one screen ? |
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Yes. In fact, there is an easy-to-use tab in WinSPC devoted entirely to chart layouts.
There are eight available chart layouts in WinSPC, seven of which include multiple charts on one screen. Each attribute and variable in a Collection Plan can use a different one of these layouts if desired. The following procedure guides you through the selection of a layout.
- In the "WinSPC Administrator" window, double-click the Collection Plan containing the attribute or variable for which you would like to specify a chart layout.

- In the "Collection Plan" dialog box that is displayed, on the "Step Options" tab, single-click the attribute or variable for which you would like to specify a layout.

- Click the "Chart Layout" tab.

- If the "Use Default "checkbox is checked, uncheck it.

- To the right of the "Use Default" checkbox, click the button representing the chart layout you would like to use for the attribute or variable. (For the purpose of illustration, this procedure uses the eighth layout.)

This changes the main part of the tab to give you an idea of how the charts will be positioned on the screen.

- For Chart 1, if you want the current attribute or variable to be the one charted with the default chart, leave the first drop-down list as it is. The current attribute or variable refers to the attribute or variable you clicked in step 2 above. If you want a different attribute or variable to be charted, select the desired attribute or variable from the first drop-down list.
- Staying with Chart 1, if you want the chart type for the chart to be the default chart type for the attribute or variable selected in the preceding step, leave the second drop-down list as it is. (The default chart type for an attribute can be found on the Settings tab of the advanced Attribute Setup dialog box and the default chart type for a variable can be found on the Settings tab of the advanced Variable Setup dialog box.) If you want the chart type to be different from the default chart type, select the desired chart type from the second drop-down list. And this drop-down list only becomes active when an option other than Current is selected in the first drop-down.
- Repeat the previous two steps for any other charts in the layout you have selected.
- If you want to make the layout the default layout for all future collection plans, click the "Set As Default" button.
- Click the "OK" button on the Collection Plan dialog box.
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