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How do I create a Device in WinSPC? |
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WinSPC can collect values--data or tag values--from devices. Devices here means not only serial devices but text files, DDE servers, OLE Automation servers, OPC servers, ODBC servers and Microsoft Excel files. In order to collect values from a device, the device needs to be set up in WinSPC. The setup procedure for a device is dictated by the device's type. Following procedure is the first steps to setting up a device. At the end of this article are links for specific devices that can be setup in WinSPC.
Log into WinSPC as the Admin user or a user that has permissions to create Devices.
Select the Device location by a single left-click on the Devices root level branch. If the device is to be created in a subfolder, single left click on the plus sign [+] in front of the Devices branch and drill-down and select desired folder in the Tree window of the Administrator window. 
Create a device by using one of the following methods:
Left-click the New Device icon button on the Administrator window tool bar.
Right-click the Devices branch (or subfolder) and select New then select Device from the popup window.
Left-click the on the File menu in the Administrator window and select New then select Device.
Press the Insert key on the keyboard.
A Device icon and a name text box will appear in the Contents pane. Enter a name for the device by overwriting the existing text with the desired name and pressing the Enter key on the keyboard. The name of a device must be unique to the folder in which it resides.
To rename a Device, if necessary, use one of the following methods: 
Right-click on the device name and select Rename from the shortcut menu that is displayed. Type in a new name and press the Enter key on the keyboard.
Left-click on the device name, pressing F2 key on the keyboard. Type in a new name and press the Enter key on the keyboard.
Left-click on the device name, then a single left-click a second time on the device name. Note: This is not a double-click. Type in a new name and press the Enter key on the keyboard.
Left-click on Edit in the menu toolbar, of the Administrator window, and select Rename.
To delete a Device, if necessary, use one of the following methods:
Left-click on the device name, to select the device, then a right-click and select Delete from the shortcut menu that appears. Left-click the Yes button to confirm the deletion, or left-click the No button to cancel the deletion.
Left-click on the device name, to select the device, then press the Delete key on the keyboard. Left-click the Yes button to confirm the deletion, or left-click the No button to cancel the deletion.
Left-click on Edit in the menu toolbar, of the Administrator window, and select Delete. Left-click the Yes button to confirm the deletion, or left-click the No button to cancel the deletion.
Once the device has been created and named, enter the Device Setup by using one of the following methods:
Double-click on the device icon, or name.
Right-click on the device icon, or name and select Properties from the popup dialog box.
Use the following links to setup the specific device for your application:
Serial Text File DDE Server OLE Automation Server OPC Server ODBC Data Source Microsoft Excel File
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