Starting in WinSPC 8.3.4, the following visual properties can now be configured for the message box that is displayed in data collection as the result of a message box trigger:
Message box background color
If the message box is displayed as maximized (full screen)
Font properties of the text (including font color, font type, font size)
All configuration for the message box trigger is done through the "Trigger Setup" window, which is accessible in various areas of WinSPC, including the collection plan properties and control test template properties. The "Trigger Setup" window also displays a preview of what the text of the message box will look like:
To change the background color of the message box, select the desired color from the "Background Color" drop down.
To cause the message box to display full screen when it is displayed, enable the "Maximized" option. If this option is not checked, then the message box will size itself to the text that it contains.
To modify the font properties, click on the "Font" button and change the desired font settings:
The above message box trigger settings will produce a message box that looks something like this in data collection: