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How do I move or copy items in WinSPC?
Article Details

Last Updated
3rd of October, 2013

Applies to
WinSPC 7.2, WinSPC 8.0, WinSPC 8.1, WinSPC 8.2, WinSPC 8.3

Moving Tree Items

Items within the Navigation Tree, including folders and any entities they may contain, may be moved from one location in the tree to another by following the procedure listed below:

  1. Log in to WinSPC as the Admin user or a user that has Administration permissions to Create-Edit-Delete for the items being moved.
  2. Select (click) the entity in the Navigation Tree (left side of the Admin window) containing the item(s) to be moved. This will cause the items to be displayed in the contents frame to the right of the Navigation Tree.
  3. Click and drag the item to be moved from the contents pane on the right it to its new location in the Navigation Tree to the left.  Note: All movements should always go from the right to the left.
  4. The icon representing the item being relocated will change as it is moved over the various sections of the Navigation tree to indicate the viability of the intended location. If a naming conflict would result from the move, or the user mistakenly attempted to relocate to a section of an incompatible type, the icon would be overlaid by a ‘forbidden’ symbol, while potentially valid movements result in the icon incorporating a ‘page’ symbol into itself. These symbols may be seen below as they would appear for the movement of the part ‘Nickel’:


Items may be moved so long as the movement abides by the following rules:

  • Items may only be moved to areas of like type (i.e. Parts to Part branches, Collection Plans to Collection Plan branches).
  • Items may not be moved to a location where it would cause a potential naming conflict by placing two entities in the same portion of the Navigation Tree with the same name.
  • Folders and the items they contain may be organized in any logical manner; any number of levels deep so long as they do not violate the naming conventions.

Copying Tree Items

Items in the Navigation Tree may also be copied by following the same procedure used to move items, but by holding the Control key down while executing the dragging and dropping. The copied items are identical to their originals with the following exceptions:

  • Copies of Parts contain all of the specs and settings of the originals, but lack any data that may have been collected. This feature is often exploited to remove nonsensical ‘set-up’ data from ‘production’ data when establishing a new line.
  • Collection Plans, Queries, Reports and other items that reference specific parts will still link to the original items, even if those items have been copied and moved within the navigation tree. The user must edit the referencing item itself to redirect it to a copy instead of the original.


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