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What is the difference between a Data Set List Filter and a Data Set Data Filter?
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Last Updated
4th of April, 2017

Applies to
WinSPC 8.0, WinSPC 8.1, WinSPC 8.2, WinSPC 8.3, WinSPC 9.0

What is the difference between List Filters and Data Filters in a Data Set?

      Beginning with the introduction of Data Sets in WinSPC Version 8 and continuing thru to the current version of WinSPC, some of our customers have been asking the question, “What is the difference between a List Filters and a Data Filter?”  The simple answer is, a List Filter limits the number of characteristics that appear in the list of the Data Set; and a Data Filter restricts the amount of data that each characteristic contains within the Data Set.

      The more detailed answer explaining the differences between the two filters are listed below:


 List Filters:

     List Filters are used to limit the number of Parts, Variables, Attributes, Collection Plans, or any combination thereof (depending on which version of WinSPC you are using) that appears in the Summary Grid tab list. 

      When a Data Set is first created, the default configuration will not have any List Filters and will display a list of all of the Parts found in WinSPC. If you prefer to view other characteristics than Parts, you can toggle on or off the ‘Find All ..’ icons in the toolbar for the different types of  characteristics to be displayed in the list.  List Filters can be added to narrow the number of characteristics to just those that meet the criteria that is defined for that filter.

 Some examples of when you would use List Filters are:

  • Only list characteristics that have collected data ‘Today.
  • Only list characteristics that are contained in a certain ‘folder’.
  • Only list characteristics that contain the word ‘Weight’.

      To add a List Filter(s), click on the blue link labeled ‘’ located in the information area of the Data Set.   List Filters can be either cumulative and/or selective depending if it is a List Filter or Group List Filter.  For more information on the different types of List Filters and how to use them, please use the following link to reference our Knowledgebase article on this subject: What are List filters & Group List filters and how can I use them?


 Data Filters:

     A Data Filter is used to restrict the amount of data (readings or subgroups) available for the characteristics in the Data Set.  Data Filters are applied to all of the characteristics that are listed in the Summary Grid that was returned by any and all defined List Filters. All Data Filters are cumulative, meaning that the data must meet all of the defined conditions in order to be included in the Data Set. 

 Some examples of when you would use Data Filters are:

  • Only want to use data that was collected ‘Today.’
  • Only want to use data that has a certain ‘Tag value’ in the characteristic.
  • Only want to use data that was collected by a certain ‘User’ in WinSPC.

      To add a Data Filter(s), click on the Data Filter icon (Funnel) located in the toolbar of the Data Set Builder.

      For more information on the different types of Data filters, please reference our Knowledgebase article on this subject: What are Data filtering options and how can I use them?

      By allowing you to define both List Filters and Data Filters independently you have more flexibility to accessing just the data you want to look at in the Data Set. 


 Example 1: List Filter Only

     If you wanted a report for any Variables that collected data for Today, but would like to have the report us all the data collected for those Variables.  This would be where you would want to just use a List Filter that defines that the Variable has collected at least 1 subgroup and a Date Range of “Today”.

 Example 2: Data Filter Only

     If you wanted to report on a certain tag value(s) for a tag named ‘Lot Number’, regardless when it was collected.  This is where you would use a Data Filter and define a Tag filter to restrict it down to only Variable data that have collected using the ‘Lot Number’ tag and for the defined value(s).

 Example 3: Both List Filters & Data Filters

     You want to see the statistics (Mean, Cpk, Stdev, etc.) for Variables that have collected data for Today, but you want the statistics to be calculated using the data collected on these variables in the last 7 days.  Here you would need to use a List Filter with a date range of ‘Today’ and a Data Filter with the date range of the ‘N Days Ending’ set to 7.



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