The videos below were developed for the release of WinSPC 8.0. Though they do not reflect new features and functionality added to WinSPC in later releases, they still provide a useful grounding. The videos automatically play in your browser when clicked. Note: You may experience some initial roughness when viewing these videos. That roughness fades after the introductory title sequence and does not interfere with the body of the video.
This video explores: how to configure WinSPC's system settings for lists; how to create a list; what linking a list is and how to link a list; what list inheritance is; what an individual list looks like in the Data Collection window; how to block list inheritance; and how to distinguish between the different icons related to lists.
This video explores: how to link a control test template; what control test template inheritance is; an example of a linked and inherited control test template in the Data Collection window; how to block control test template inheritance; and how to distinguish between the different icons related to control test templates.
This video explores: the report templates included in WinSPC Version 8.0; how to preview and print reports based on a report template; how to create a report template; and the customization that can be performed on a report template.
This video explores how to: create and configure a roport book; print a report from a report book; preview a report from a report book; and save, print or email a previewed report. (Note: In the upcoming release of WinSPC 10, the term report book is scheduled to be replaced by, simply, report.)
This video explores: the value of data sets; the pre-built data sets that ship with WinSPC; the filters that can be configured for data sets; and what can be done with a data set after it has been configured.