The Excel device, which, in WinSPC 9.0 and above, can open XLS, XLSX and CSV files, handles blank (empty) cells in the Excel worksheet depending on the features enabled in the device setup for the specific device location that will be processing the blank cell. A location in the Excel device can either be bounded (meaning it has a specific beginning and end row) or unbounded (meaning it has no specific end row - the user has specified the "End Row"' to be a "*"). In the screenshot below, the "Diameter Location" is a bounded location, while the "Weight Location" and "Shift" are unbounded.
The exact rules for dealing with blank cells are as follows:
Data Locations
If a bounded data location encounters a blank cell:
If the "Process" option is set to "New", then processing stops for that location.
If the "Process" option is set to "All", then that row is skipped.
If an unbounded data location encounters a blank cell, then processing stops for that location.