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How can I customize a trigger e-mail notification?
Article Details

Last Updated
13th of May, 2011

Applies to
WinSPC 7.2, WinSPC 8.0

Not only can you have an e-mail automatically sent to whomever you want when a trigger fires, you can customize the content of the e-mail so that it contains all the relevant information.

  1. In the Administrator window of WinSPC, double-click the Collection Plan containing the Collection Plan step for which you would like to setup an e-mail trigger.
  2. In the "Collection Plan" setup dialog box that is displayed, single-click the Collection Plan step.
  3. Click the "Characteristic Tests" button.

  4. In the "Test Selection" dialog box that appears, single-click the test to which you would like to assign an e-mail trigger.


  5. Click the "Add Trigger" button.


    This causes the "Trigger Setup" dialog box to appear.


  6. In the "Trigger Setup" dialog box:
  7. a. At "Trigger Type", select "E-mail". This causes the dialog box to change to content appropriate to e-mail triggers.


    b. At "Trigger On", by selecting the appropriate list option, specify whether the trigger is to fire on all the subgroups in violation, all the subgroups not in violation, the first subgroup in violation or the first subgroup not in violation.

    c. Under "Message Setup", at "Destination", enter the e-mail addresses of the recipients you want to receive the e-mail notification, separating each with a comma.

    d. Still under "Message Setup", click in the "Message" text area and enter the message text you want included in the e-mail.

    e.  If you want to include in the e-mail message contextual information for the violation that caused the trigger to fire, click the "Insert" button and, from the "Process Variable" list in the "Insert Special Character" dialog box that is displayed, double-click the desired item. Repeat this step as many times as desired. (Examples of contextual information you might want to include are the Collection Plan name and the subgroup number in violation.)


    f.  If you want to calculate a value and include that value in the e-mail message, click the "Insert Equation" button and, in the "Equation Builder" that is displayed, create the desired equation and click OK. (For information on using the Equation Builder, see "Equation Builder, Using" in WinSPC's Help system.)

  8. Click "OK" to close the Trigger Setup dialog box.
  9. Click "OK" in the "Test Selection" dialog box.
  10. Click "OK" in the "Collection Plan" setup dialog box.
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