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What do each of the different user permissions do?
Article Details

Last Updated
13th of June, 2013

Applies to
WinSPC 7.2, WinSPC 8.0, WinSPC 8.1, WinSPC 8.2, WinSPC 8.3

The table below represents a list of the possible WinSPC User or User Group permissions and what actions each permission is related to.

Data Collection Permissions
Permission When this permission is granted, WinSPC allows the user to ...
Screen Print Access the "File" > "Print Window" drop down item, which allows the user to print the exact window as seen in Data Collection.
Resize Data Collection Form Resize the Data Collection form.
Screen Elements (View) Access the "View" drop down in the Data Collection window.  The items in this drop down allow the user to turn the Data Collection screen elements on or off. 
Screen Elements (View) > Data Entry
Access the "View" > "Data Entry - Standard", "Data Entry - Spreadsheet", and "Data Entry - Blueprint" drop down items.  These items allow the user to turn the Data Entry area (standard, spreadsheet, or blueprint) on or off.
Screen Elements (View) > Charts Access the "View" > "Charts" drop down item.  This item allows the user to turn the chart on or off in Data Collection.
Screen Elements (View) > Status Bar Access the "View" > "Status Bar" drop down item.  This item allows the user to turn the status bar (located at the bottom of the screen) on or off in Data Collection.
Screen Elements (View) > Tool Bar
Access the "View" > "Tool Bar" drop down item.  This item allows the user to turn the tool bar (located at the top of the screen) on or off in Data Collection.
Screen Elements (View) > Ribbon
Access the "View" > "Ribbon" drop down item.  This item allows the user to turn the ribbon (containing the part name, variable name, and last subgroup status) on or off in Data Collection.
Status Bar Settings Change the items displayed on the status bar (this is done by right-clicking on the status bar and selecting "Properties").  The sub-items in this permission category allows an administrator to restrict exactly what status bar elements the user can and cannot display.
Clear Spreadsheet And Blueprint Data Entry Use the "Clear" button to remove all readings in the spreadsheet and blueprint Data Collection mode that have not yet been saved to the main WinSPC database. 
Next Characteristic Access the "Characteristic" > "Skip" drop down option and the "Next Characteristic" button in Data Collection to move to the next characteristic in sequential mode.
Previous Characteristic Access the "Characteristic" > "Skip Back" drop down option and the "Previous Characteristic" button in Data Collection to move to the previous characteristic in sequential mode.
Recalculate Control Limits Access the "Options" > "Recalculate Control Limits" drop down option and the "Recalculate Control Limits" button, which when activated, forces WinSPC to recalculate the control limits based upon the control limit settings in the characteristic setup.  While this change is effective immediately, the changes in the control limits are not visible on the chart until another subgroup of data is collected.
Reset Control Limits Access the "Options" > "Reset Control Limits" drop down option and the "Reset Control Limits" button, which when activated, sets the control limits of the current characteristic back to their default value.  While this change is effective immediately, the changes in the control limits are not visible on the chart until another subgroup of data is collected.
Random Characteristic Selection Access the drop down in the tool bar containing the list of characteristics in the collection plan.  This list allows the user to move directly to any characteristic in the current visual group.  If the current step is configured to be in "Random" mode, then this is the method the user will use to change to a different step in the collection plan.
Manual Tag Access Access the "Edit Tag Values" button in the toolbar, giving the user the ability to modify the tag values saved for future subgroups.
View Specifications Access the "View Specs" button in the toolbar, giving the user the ability to see the current reasonable limits, specification limits, and target for the current characteristic (variables only).
View Specifications > Edit Specifications Edit the value of any reasonable limits, specification limits, or target that are set to be "Constant" in the variable setup.  While this change is effective immediately, the changes in the limits are not visible on the chart until another subgroup of data is collected.
Current Sample Data Edit Edit the samples of data that have not yet been uploaded to the main WinSPC database and plotted on the chart.  These samples are stored in the "Data Entry" panel in Data Collection.
Edit Data Edit the samples of a subgroup that has already been collected and plotted on the chart. 
Edit Tags Edit the tag values of a subgroup that has already been collected and plotted on the chart.
Chart Drill Down Click on a subgroup of data on the chart and see the "Chart Drill Down" window, showing the samples associated with the subgroup, any subgroup violations, subgroup tag values, and any notes, assignable causes, or corrective actions associated with the subgroup.
Chart Drill Down > Exclude from Calculations Access the "Exclude From Calculations" checkbox in the "Chart Drill Down" window, which when activated, will mark the subgroup as excluded from calculations.  This permission also allows the user to use the "Options" > "Excluded From Calculations" drop down item and "Exclude Last Subgroup from Calculations" button in the toolbar, which when activated, will exclude the last subgroup visible on the chart.
Chart Drill Down > Edit Notes Edit the notes, assignable causes, and corrective actions associated with the subgroup.
Change Password Access the "Options" > "Change Password" drop down item, giving the user the ability to change their own password.
Data Collection By Item Access the "File" > "Data Collection By Item" drop down item, which when activated, allows the user to search for other parts or characteristics to collect data into (through the use of a dynamic collection plan).

Administration Permissions
Permission When this permission is granted, WinSPC allows the user to ...
Remove events from the Event Log
Access the "Events" > "Delete Selected Events" drop down menu item from within the "Event Log" window, giving the user the ability to permanently remove the selected events from the event log.
Archive / Restore
Access the "File" > "Archive" and "File" > "Restore" drop down menu items in the "Administrator" window, giving the user the ability to create and execute archives and restores.
Access the "File" > "Import" drop down menu item in the "Administrator" window, giving the user the ability to import a .csv file containing part setup information (specs) or data.
Access the "File" > "Export" drop down menu item in the "Administrator" window, giving the user the ability to export a .csv file containing part setup information (specs) or data.
Navigator Setup
Access the "Tools" > "Navigator Setup" drop down menu item in the "Administrator" window, giving the user the ability to modify the global "Navigator" settings, such as the button icons and labels.
License Manager
Access the "Tools" > "License Manager" drop down menu item in the "Administrator" window, giving the user the ability to activate purchased licenses.
Add Language
Access the "Tools" > "Add Language" drop down menu item in the "Administrator" window, giving the user the ability to add additional language packs to WinSPC.
Change Server Login
Access the "Tools" > "Change Server Login" drop down menu item in the "Administrator" window, giving the user the ability to change the database username and password used by WinSPC.
Access the "Tools" > "Migrate" drop down menu item in the "Administrator" window, giving the user the ability to move the WinSPC database from one server to another.
Reset Collection Plans / Stations
Access to the "Reset" option when right-clicking on a Collection Plan or Station in the "Administrator" window.  Resetting a collection plan or station will release any object locks that may have been caused by an improper shutdown of WinSPC.
Create Parts and Folders
Create new parts, part folders, variables, attributes, tags, and blueprints.  
Edit Parts and Folders
Edit any existing part, part folder, variable, attribute, tag, or blueprint.
Delete Parts and Folders
Delete any existing part, part folder, variable, attribute, tag, or blueprint.
Create Short Run Processes and Folders
Create new short run processes, short run process folders, and short run tags.
Edit Short Run Processes and Folders
Edit any existing short run process, short run folder, or short run tag.
Delete Short Run Processes and Folders
Delete any existing short run process, short run folder, or short run tag.
Create Collection Plans and Folders
Create new collection plans and collection plan folders.
Edit Collection Plans and Folders
Edit any existing collection plan or collection plan folder.
Delete Collection Plans and Folders
Delete any existing collection plan or collection plan folder.
Create Devices and Folders
Create new devices and device folders.
Edit Devices and Folders
Edit any existing device or device folder.
Delete Devices and Folders
Delete any existing device or device folder.
Create Control Test Templates and Folders
Create new control test templates and control test template folders.
Edit Control Test Templates and Folders
Edit any existing control test template or control test template folder.
Delete Control Test Templates and Folders
Delete any existing control test template or control test template folder.
Create Users and User Groups
Create new users and user groups.
Edit Users and User Groups
Edit any existing user or user group.
Delete Users and User Groups
Delete any existing user or user group.
Create Station Groups
Create new station groups
Edit Stations and Station Groups
Edit any existing station or station group.
Delete Stations and Station Groups
Delete any existing station or station group.
Create Control Tests
Create new user-defined sample level control tests and user-defined subgroup level control tests.
Edit Control Tests
Edit any existing user-defined sample level control test or user-defined subgroup level control test.
Delete Control Tests
Delete any existing user-defined sample level control test or user-defined subgroup level control test.
Apply Control Test Templates
Apply any existing control test template (done by right clicking on an item and selecting the "Apply Template" option).
Create Lists and List Folders
Create new note lists, assignable cause lists, and corrective action lists (WinSPC 8.0 or later only).
Edit Lists and List Folders
Edit any existing note list, assignable cause list, or corrective action list (WinSPC 8.0 or later only).
Data Lists and List Folders
Delete any existing note list, assignable cause list, or corrective action list (WinSPC 8.0 or later only).
Create List Links
Create new list links (done by dragging and dropping a list to a container object) (WinSPC 8.0 or later only).
Delete List Links
Delete any existing list link (WinSPC 8.0 or later only).
Create Template Links
Create new template links (done by dragging and dropping a control test template to a container object) (WinSPC 8.0 or later only).
Delete Template Links
Delete any existing template link (WinSPC 8.0 or later only).
Create Report Templates
Create new report templates and report template folders (WinSPC 8.0 or later only).
Edit Report Templates
Edit any existing report template or report template folder (WinSPC 8.0 or later only).
Delete Report Templates
Delete any existing report template or report template folder (WinSPC 8.0 or later only).
Manage Color Schemes
Access the "Tools" > "Chart Color Schemes" drop down menu item in the "Administrator" window, giving the user the ability to create, edit, and delete color schemes.

Plant Monitor Permissions
Permission When this permission is granted, WinSPC allows the user to ...
Create Layout
Access the "Layout" > "New" drop down item and the "New Layout" toolbar button, which when activated, creates a new Plant Monitor Layout.
Edit Layout
Make changes to any layout the user can open.  Also gives access to the "Layout" > "Save" and "Save As" drop down menu items and the "Save Layout" toolbar button. which when activated, gives the user the ability the save the layout and any changes made.
Delete Layout
Access the "Layout" > "Delete" drop down menu item, which when activated, gives the user the ability to delete existing layouts.
Chart Drill Down
Click on a subgroup of data on the Violation Browser chart and see the "Chart Drill Down" window, showing the samples associated with the subgroup, any subgroup violations, subgroup tag values, and any notes, assignable causes, or corrective actions associated with the subgroup.
Chart Drill Down > Edit Data
Edit the samples of a subgroup through the "Chart Drill Down" window.
Chart Drill Down > Edit Tags
Edit the tag values of a subgroup through the "Chart Drill Down" window.
Chart Drill Down > Exclude From Calculations
Exclude a subgroup from calculations through the "Chart Drill Down" window.
Chart Drill Down > Edit Notes
Edit the notes, assignable causes, and corrective actions associated with a subgroup through the "Chart Drill Down" window.
Chart Drill Down > Acknowledge Violations
Access the "Acknowledge" and "Acknowledge All" buttons in the "Violation Browser", which give the user the ability to acknowledge violations that have occurred in Data Collection.

Analysis I Permissions
Permission When this permission is granted, WinSPC allows the user to ...
Create Query Books
Access to the "New Query" and "New Folder" buttons in the "Query Selector" window.  This permission also controls if a user can create "DataSets" (introduced in WinSPC 8.0).
Edit Query Books
Access to the "Edit" button in the "Query Selector" window, which when activated, gives the user the ability to make changes to any existing Query Book.  This permission also controls if a user can make changes to a "DataSet" (introduced in WinSPC 8.0).
Delete Query Books
Access to the "Delete" button in the "Query Selector" window, which gives the user the ability to delete any existing Query Book.  This permissions also controls if a user can delete a "DataSet" (introduced in WinSPC 8.0).
Chart Drill Down
Click on a subgroup of data on the chart that is displayed as a result of a query and see the "Chart Drill Down" window, showing the samples associated with the subgroup, any subgroup violations, subgroup tag values, and any notes, assignable causes, or corrective actions associated with the subgroup.
Chart Drill Down > Edit Data
Edit the samples of a subgroup through the "Chart Drill Down" window.
Chart Drill Down > Edit Tags
Edit the tag values of a subgroup through the "Chart Drill Down" window.
Chart Drill Down > Exclude From Calculations
Exclude a subgroup from calculations through the "Chart Drill Down" window.
Chart Drill Down > Edit Notes
Edit the notes, assignable causes, and corrective actions associated with a subgroup through the "Chart Drill Down" window.

Global Permissions
Permission When this permission is granted, WinSPC allows the user to ...
Create Report Books
Create new report books and report book folders.
Edit Report Books
Edit any existing report book or report book folder.
Delete Report Books
Delete any existing report book or report book folder.
Print or preview any existing report book.
Full Mail (Can Create New Mail)
Send and receive mail from within WinSPC.
Chart Options
Access the the chart options (done so by right clicking on a chart).
Chart Options > Change Chart Type
Change the chart type by right clicking on a chart and selecting the desired chart type.
Chart Options > Scroll Bar
Access to the "Scroll Bar" option when right clicking on a chart, giving the user the ability to turn on or off the scroll bar to view previously collected data.
Chart Options > Print
Access to the "Print" option when right clicking on a chart, giving the user the ability to print the chart.
Chart Options > Properties
Access to the "Properties" option when right clicking on a chart, which when activated, displays the "Chart Properties" window.
Chart Options > Properties > Appearance (Scheme)
View and edit the "Scheme" tab of the "Chart Properties" window, giving the user the ability to change the color, size, and shape of various visual chart elements (such as the limit lines or data lines).
Chart Options > Properties > Chart Elements (Options)
View the "Options" tab of the "Chart Properties" window that contains the various display options listed below.
Chart Options > Properties > Chart Elements (Options) > Set Default Chart Scales
Use the "Chart Scales" options, giving the user the ability to modify the current chart's scaling properties.
Chart Options > Properties > Chart Elements (Options) > Control Limits
Turn the control limit lines on the chart on or off.
Chart Options > Properties > Chart Elements (Options) > Specification Limits
Turn the specification limit lines on the chart on or off.
Chart Options > Properties > Chart Elements (Options) > Target
Turn the target line on the chart on or off.
Chart Options > Properties > Chart Elements (Options) > Reasonable Limits
Turn the reasonable limit lines on the chart on or off.
Chart Options > Properties > Chart Elements (Options) > +/- 3 Sigma
Turn the +/- 3 Sigma lines on the chart on or off (used on histograms only).
Chart Options > Properties > Chart Elements (Options) > Mean
Turn the mean line on the chart on or off (used on histograms only).
Chart Options > Properties > Chart Elements (Options) > Readings On
Turn the readings on the chart on or off.
Chart Options > Properties > Chart Elements (Options) > Vertical Grid Lines
Turn the vertical grid lines on the chart on or off.
Chart Options > Properties > Chart Elements (Options) > Histogram Bars
Access the "Histogram Settings - Bins" option, giving the user the ability to control how many bins the histogram will use.

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