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What are data filtering options and how can I use them?
Article Details

Last Updated
12th of February, 2020

Applies to
WinSPC 8.0, WinSPC 8.1, WinSPC 8.2, WinSPC 8.3

There may be times when you would like to see your data for specific set of conditions.  This is done by using the “Edit data filtering option” within any Query or Data Set.  To bring up the Data Filtering Options, click on the funnel icon labeled “Edit data filtering option” in the tool bar.  Note: This article deals with data filtering as opposed to list filtering.  For more information on List Filters and Data Filters, refer to knowledge base article “What is the difference between a Data Set List Filter and a Data Set Data Filter”.dataset_va_filtering.png

Date Range – Figure 1

               The Date Range tab screen allows you to specify a date range filter.  The following selections are available on the Date Range Type dropdown box:

•   Unrestricted           •   Last Year
•   Today                     •   N Days Ending
•   Yesterday               •   N Weeks Ending
•   This Week              •   N Months Ending
•   Last Week              •   Older Than N Days
•   This Month             •   Older Than N Weeks
•   Last Month             •   Older Than N Months
•   This Year                •   Explicit 

     Selecting Unrestricted will not use any filters for Date Range (Off).  Selecting Explicit and entering a date range will return data that is within the dates specified.  The rest of the options should be self-explanatory. 
     Checking the Prompt for this parameter will have WinSPC prompt for a date range before opening up the query.  Entering a unique Parameter Name can help clarify what information WinSPC is requesting from the Operator.

Tags – Figure 2datafiltering_tags.jpg

     The Tags tab screen allows you to specify a range or list of tag values to use as a filter.  To add a new Tag Parameter click on the green + sign.  Click the black arrow 4 in front of the newly added tag parameter box to expand the parameter box to access the editable options.  Enter a Tag Name and then select one of the following filter options:

  • Any
  • Range
  • List

     Selecting the Any radio button (default) will result in no filtering by any tag values.  Selecting the Range radio button and entering a From: and To: range values will yield data that has tag values that are contained in the specified range.  Selecting the List radio button and entering values will yield results that match the entered tag values.  To add a value to the list, type in the value on the line below the List parameter and then click the green plus sign +.  Several values can be added into the list for filtering.  To remove an item from the list, select it from the list and click on the red minus sign -
     Multiple Tag Parameters can be created but note that each parameter statement will be treated as an AND statement (don’t confuse this with multiple values in the List filter section).  That means that each and every parameter condition must be met in order to yield data.  An example of this is if you would like to see data for a Lot Number 24 but only for Production Line Number 2.  The results would then yield the data that has a Tag value from Lot Number 24 AND Production Line Number 2 (24 & 2).  Alternately if we put in the Tag parameters for Lot Number 24 and Lot Number 25 then no results would be returned since the data will only contain one tag named Lot Number, and it cannot be set to a value of 24 and 25 at the same time.  For this previous scenario we would use the List filter to query for the desired data.
     Clicking on the single arrow 4 in front of the Tag parameter will individually expand or collapse the Tag parameter.  Using double up arrows or double down arrows will Expand all or Collapse all parameters in the list respectively. 
     Checking the Prompt for this parameter will have WinSPC prompt for a Tag values before opening up the query.  Entering a unique Parameter Name can help clarify what information WinSPC is requesting from the Operator.

Users and Stations – Figure 3datafiltering_user_stations.png

     The Users and Stations tab screen allows you to be able to filter data by users and/or stations.  Clicking on the [+] box in front of Stations or Users will expand the tree so that you can make a refined selection of users or stations.  Check or uncheck the desired combination of stations or users to use as filters for the data.  All boxes are checked by default.  By clicking on the checkbox in front of Users or Stations will clear all selections and then select the desired users or stations to apply as filters.  If the user or station has a check mark then WinSPC will filter by the selected test.  If the box is not checked then WinSPC will ignore that test as criteria.  Note: Parameter statements from different headings will be treated like an AND statement. For example if you would like to see data that was collected on the station WinSPC_Helpdesk and only from the user Dale, select WinSPC_Helpdesk under Stations and Dale under Users.  The resulting data would be returned only if Dale has logged into WinSPC_Helpdesk and collected data for the Parts/Variables that are being queried.
     Checking the Prompt for this parameter will have WinSPC prompt for Users or Stations before opening up the query.  Entering a unique Parameter Name can help clarify what information WinSPC is requesting from the Operator.

Control Tests – Figure 4datafiltering_controltests.jpg

     The Control Tests tab screen allows you to be able to filter data by different Control Tests violations that have occurred.  Checking the Include subgroups with no control test violations present will filter the data that does not have any control test violations (show good data).  Checking the Include subgroups with one or more of the following control test violations present will filter the data that has violations from a control test which can be selected from within the Control Tests section. (show bad data).  Unchecking the above mentioned options will do basically the opposite by not including the data has no control test violations present or has control test violations present, respectively.
     To specify a control test, click the [+] box in front of Control Tests to expand the tree.  All the boxes are checked by default.  By clicking on the checkbox in front of Control Tests will clear all selections.  Next  drill-down and select the desired control tests to use as the filters.  If the control test has a check mark then WinSPC will filter by using the selected test.  If the box is not checked then WinSPC will ignore that test as criteria.
     Checking the Prompt for this parameter will have WinSPC prompt for Control Test before opening up the query.  Entering a unique Parameter Name can help clarify what information WinSPC is requesting from the Operator.

Sorting/Annotation – Figure 5

     On the Sorting/Annotation tab screen you can group datafiltering_sortingannotation.jpgdata using selected sort criteria.  Filtering can be done if Annotations are present with the data.  An Annotation is a Note,  Assignable Cause, or Corrective Action. The Group Data By frame box controls the sorting and ordering of the data on a chart, not to be mistaken with filters.  The resulting sorting/ordering will display graphical bands on the chart.  In the Group Data By frame box the data can be sorted by the following order:

  • Subgroup Number
  • Date/Time
    • Month
    • Week
    • Day
    • Hour
  • Station
  • User
  • Tag value (tag name must be entered)

     Checking any of the checkboxes in the Annotations group box will include data with the following annotations:

  • Include subgroups with no annotations
  • Include subgroups annotated with a note
  • Include subgroups annotated with an assignable cause
  • Include subgroups annotated with a corrective action
    (Alternately by clearing the check box it will exclude data with the certain annotations)

Click OK to apply and exit Data Filtering Options.

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