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Running the WinSPCSecurity program
Article Details

Last Updated
25th of March, 2014

Applies to
WinSPC 8.0, WinSPC 8.1, WinSPC 8.2, WinSPC 8.3

This article details how to run WinSPCSecurity to grant permissions to users or user groups for the local Windows workstation. The WinSPCSecurity program will set the minimum permission required to run WinSPC. This program should be used if the WinSPC operator does not have local administration permissions to the Windows OS on the current workstation. Upgrades of WinSPC usually do not need to have the WinSPCSecurity re-ran.

  1. Login to Windows as either Domain Administrator or Local Administrator on the workstation that contains the WinSPC install.winspcsecurity_groups.jpg
  2. Navigate to the WinSPC remote folder that was created during the installation and configuration of the first WinSPC client.
  3. Double-click the Utility folder.
  4. Within the Utility folder, double-click the WinSPCSecurity icon. The program will then query the Domain for User Groups and Users; this could take a few moments depending on the size of the Domain. An error message may popup warning that “this application may not run properly if you are not logged into Windows as an administrator”. This warning message appears if you are not logged in as a Domain Administrator, as opposed to a Local Administrator. Being logged in as a local administrator has sufficient privileges to proceed. Click Yes if you are logged in as a Local Administrator, else No and login as a Domain or Local Administrator and re-run the program.
  5. In the WinSPC Security screen, there are two tabs. One is for Groups and the other is for Users. Depending on how the Domain accounts have been setup, will determine as to how to proceed. Choose from the following scenarios, as to what works best for you or your company.

a. Choose an existing Domain Group(s).

i. Click on the Groups tab.
ii. Select a User Group(s) by putting a checkmark ü in the check box.
iii. Click on the Apply Updates button.

b. Create a Domain Group(s).winspcsecurity_users.jpg

i. Click on the Groups tab.
ii. Enter a Group Name.
iii. Click on the Create New Group button.
Note: This will create and set permissions for a User Group, but the group will be empty until the Active Directory Administrator add User to the group.

c. Choose an existing User(s)

i. Click the Users tab.
ii. Click on the Refresh User List button.
iii. Select a User(s) by putting a checkmark ü in the check box.
iv. Click on the Apply Updates button.

  1. Once permissions are applied to all selected users, exit the WinSPC Security utility by clicking the X in the upper right corner. (If you would like to remove previously applied permissions at a later time, simply run the WinSPCSecurity program and uncheck the appropriate check box and click the Apply Updates button.)
  2. Close the Utility folder.
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