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What is the WinSPC Application Server? |
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The WinSPC application server, introduced in WinSPC 8.3.0, is a server-side component to the WinSPC system. It is a service that will speed up the rate at which WinSPC's analysis and reporting tools process data. Specifically, the application server will increase the performance of the following WinSPC features:
- Variable Analyzer
- Data sets
- Execution of report templates
Implementation of the WinSPC application server (occasionally referred to as the WinSPC Server) is optional. Electing not to implement the WinSPC application server results in no loss of functionality in WinSPC and means only that the potential performance increase will not be experienced. Below is a diagram of a WinSPC system with the optional application server:

Each installation of the WinSPC application server services one WinSPC database. Customers that manage multiple WinSPC databases simultaneously will need to install a separate application server for each database.
The WinSPC application server is a Windows Service that is designed to run on a server-class machine. A suitable server machine is one that:
- Resides on a private network.
- Is a member of the same Windows domain as the WinSPC database.
- Is not hosting the WinSPC database.
Recommended operating systems for the WinSPC application server:
- Windows Server 2003
- Windows Server 2008
- Windows Server 2008 R2
- Windows Server 2012
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2019
Recommended hardware for the WinSPC application server:
- Memory: 4GB+ RAM
- Disk Space: At least 10% of the size of the WinSPC database with which the application server will be used
- CPU: Multi-core server processor (i.e., Intel Xeon E5620, 2.4 GHz, quad core)
If the WinSPC database to which the application server will be attached is an Oracle database:
- The application server must have the Oracle Provider for OLE DB installed.
- The application server must have the Modify level of Security permissions for the Network folder granted to the Network Service user. The Network folder is created during the installation of the Oracle Provider for OLE DB. The default location for this folder is: "C:\app\{username}\product\{Oracle Client version (e.g. 11.2.0)}\client_{#}\".
To install the WinSPC application server, follow the instructions in Phase 4 of the WinSPC Installation and Configuration Guide (for a brand new WinSPC installation) or the Upgrade Instructions (for an existing WinSPC installation).
Once the application server is in place, it will automatically detect upgrades to the WinSPC system (which are done initially from a WinSPC client) and will update itself accordingly (see the Upgrade Instructions for more information on upgrading your WinSPC system).
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