We would recomend
SMTP configuration for best results when using WinSPC with external E-Mail for the following features:
*E-Mail Triggers for Control Test rule violations in Data Collection mode
*E-Mail Notifications for failures to collect data using Timed Data Collection
*E-Mail PDF reports directly from the preview report window
*E-Mail Actions in Dashboards in WinSPC 9 and above
Prerequisites*You will need either the IP address or the Server Name of your SMTP server.
*Port 25 must be available on your SMTP server.
Steps1) Log into WinSPC as the
ADMIN user. (No other user can make this change).
2) Browse out to
System Settings...
3) On the E-Mail tab, select the
SMTP radio button option.
4) Enter either the
Server Name or the
IP address of your SMTP server.
5) Enter a
Default Sender E-Mail address.
NOTE: A default sender E-Mail address
must be used. This is an address used for named recipients to respond to if the WinSPC User does not include an E-Mail address. Some customers who do not require responses to triggers use addresses like: