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Information on installing WinSPC software
There were 8 articles found in this category:
  1. questionWhat is the WinSPC Application Server?
    The WinSPC application server, introduced in WinSPC 8.3.0, is a server-side component to the WinSPC system. It is a service that will speed up the rate at which WinSPC's analysis and reporting tools process data. Specifically, the application server will increase the performance of the followi ...

  2. questionWhat are the recommended operating systems and database servers for WinSPC?
    The information below represents a list of recommended operating systems and database servers for WinSPC 9.0. Other versions of WinSPC may have different recommended platforms and you will want to refer to your "Installation and Configuration Guide" for the recommended platforms for your specifi ...

  3. questionHow do I activate my WinSPC licenses?
    To activate your WinSPC licenses, you will need to do the following: Run WinSPC on any computer and login as the admin user. Select "Tools" > "License Manager" from the drop down menu at the top of the screen. This will cause the "License Manager" dialog box to appear. You will need to kee ...

  4. questionHow do I install WinSPC?
    To install WinSPC, you should follow the instructions detailed in the "Installation and Configuration Guide" that comes with your WinSPC installation media (CD or download). This guide will take you step by step through the configuration of the WinSPC database as well as the installation of the ...

  5. questionWhat are the hardware requirements for WinSPC?
    WinSPC Database Server WinSPC requires a back-end database to store configuration information and production data collected by WinSPC. Please refer to any hardware recommendations and minimums provided by the maker of the database server you will employ in your WinSPC deployment. For best perfo ...

  6. questionRunning the WinSPCSecurity program
    This article details how to run WinSPCSecurity to grant permissions to users or user groups for the local Windows workstation. The WinSPCSecurity program will set the minimum permission required to run WinSPC. This program should be used if the WinSPC operator does not have local administration ...

  7. questionTech Note: Installing (or upgrading to) WinSPC 8.0 on a Windows 2000 client machine
    If you are installing or upgrading to WinSPC 8.0 on a Windows 2000 client machine, it is recommended that you do the following: Download and install the latest Windows 2000 service pack and fixes from Windows Update. Download and install the latest version of MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Compone ...

  8. questionTech note: WinSPC compatibility with Microsoft SQL Server 2012
    Microsoft SQL Server 2012 has recently been released by Microsoft (March/April 2012). Microsoft SQL Server 2012 is not compatible with older versions of WinSPC. Only WinSPC 8.0.0 or later will be able to use SQL Server 2012 as a back-end database, due to Microsoft removing the "SQL Server 2000 ...

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