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WinSPC Devices
Topics related to the setup and usage of devices in WinSPC, which are used to collect data from external sources (such as serial gauges, text files, OPC Servers, ODBC Databases)
There were 17 articles found in this category:
How can I see the changes or events that have occurred for a specific WinSPC item?
WinSPC can be configured to track and record changes to objects in WinSPC, such as when items are created, modified, or deleted. This information is stored in the WinSPC Event Log (also called the Audit Trail) and is accessible to an administrator. In order for WinSPC to record any item changes ...
How do I setup and use an OPC device?
OPC stands for Open Process Control (previously stood for Object Linking and Embedding for Production Control, but the OLE technology has been replaced by Active X). An OPC server is a software interface standard that allows Windows programs to communicate with industrial hardware devices. OPC ...
How do I setup WinSPC to get data on a timed basis?
WinSPC has the ability to prompt a device to send a reading, or prompt the operator that a reading is required, at certain intervals or at specific times during Data Collection. This can free up the operator from having to prompt a device at scheduled times, or it can remind the operator that ...
Matching External Data Source Readings with Collection Plan Steps
Readings from an external data source must, in the end, be matched with the appropriate step in a collection plan. When the data source feeds only one step, this is assured. When the data source feeds multiple steps, however, ambiguity is introduced. The most common methods for resolving this a ...
How do I setup a Microsoft Excel file device?
Data stored in simple Excel files (.xls or .xlsx files) can be used to automatically populate variables and tags in WinSPC using an ‘Excel file’ device. As the Excel file gets updated with new data, WinSPC can pull the new data into variables and tags. Setting up a Microsoft Excel f ...
How do I setup an ODBC device to pull from multiple fields in my database?
In WinSPC 8.0 or later, you can use a single ODBC (database) device to collect data from multiple fields in your database and store those values into separate variables. The configuration of the ODBC Device to do this is done almost exactly as you would have configured an ODBC device in previou ...
How do I create a Device in WinSPC?
WinSPC can collect values--data or tag values--from devices. Devices here means not only serial devices but text files, DDE servers, OLE Automation servers, OPC servers, ODBC servers and Microsoft Excel files. In order to collect values from a device, the device needs to be set up in WinSPC. Th ...
How can I control the numeric format (regional settings) used when a device interprets data?
When a serial (RS232) device, networked device, or text file device processes data values, it has to know what a numeric reading looks like. In some areas of the world, the decimal separator of a number is a period ("."), while in others it is a comma (","). Prior to WinSPC 8.3.4, these three ...
How does a WinSPC Excel Device deal with blank cells?
The Excel device, which, in WinSPC 9.0 and above, can open XLS, XLSX and CSV files, handles blank (empty) cells in the Excel worksheet depending on the features enabled in the device setup for the specific device location that will be processing the blank cell. A location in the Excel device ca ...
How do I setup and use a DDE Server device?
WinSPC has the ability to gather data from a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) server device. Setting up a DDE server device involves selecting the DDE server device type and then setting up the device's connection. This knowledge base article assumes the reader is familiar with DDE server concepts. ...
How do I setup and use an OLE Automation Server device?
WinSPC has the ability to gather data from an Object Linking & Embedding OLE Automation Server device. Setting up an OLE Automation Server device involves selecting the OLE Automation Server device type and then setting up the device's connection. Selecting the OLE Automation Server device ...
How does a bar-code scanner work with WinSPC?
A common method of input for tag values and data samples within WinSPC is by using a barcode or QC reader. A barcode reader usually behaves in one of 2 basic ways: Acts as a keyboard wedge Sends ASCII text over a COM or serial port When any device acts as a keyboard wedge, that means that you ...
How do I setup and use a Text File device?
WinSPC has the ability to parse and read data into variables from various text files layouts (including comma separate variable (CSV)). Using the masking capabilities from within Device setup you will be able to read numerous text file layouts. WinSPC will be able to process a single file, or ...
What is the difference between a promptable and non-promptable device in WinSPC?
Introduction A device in WinSPC is used to collect data from external sources (such as a serial gauge, text file, database, etc). These devices can function in one of two modes: Promptable or Non-Promptable. Descriptions Promptable - A device that is working in a promptable "pull" mode will ...
Can WinSPC automatically prompt a device for data on a timed basis?
Introduction Is it possible to automate data collection by having WinSPC be set to prompt a device. Procedure Set up the Device as you normally would. Set up a Collection Plan step to use the device. With that Collection Plan step selected, click the "Timed Data Collections" tab. On this t ...
How do I setup and use a serial device?
WinSPC has the ability to gather data from most serial devices. A serial device is serial communication through a physical interface, usually a serial port, which information is transferred one bit at a time. WinSPC can communicate with most devices that are RS-232 Compliant*. Workstati ...
How do I create a 32-bit ODBC DSN on a 64-bit operating system?
When using Custom Web Reporter (CWR), QualTrend, or WinSPC's ODBC device, you may need to create an ODBC DSN on a computer in order to tell the application how to connect to an external database. While CWR, QualTrend, and WinSPC all function properly on a 64-bit operating system, they will requ ...