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WinSPC Data Collection
Topics related to collecting data in WinSPC
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There were 21 articles found in this category:
What is the difference between a base chart type and a default chart type?
Both the base chart type and default chart type are configured in the "Settings" tab of the variable advanced properties window (accessed under the "Parts/Processes" tree). Attribute characteristics do not have a base chart type (but they do have a default chart type). The "Base Chart Type" op ...
How do I setup and use an OPC device?
OPC stands for Open Process Control (previously stood for Object Linking and Embedding for Production Control, but the OLE technology has been replaced by Active X). An OPC server is a software interface standard that allows Windows programs to communicate with industrial hardware devices. OPC ...
I’m getting an “Out of Order Reading Rejected” message during data collection. What does this mean?
This error occurs when the current collection plan step variable receives data that is intended for a different collection plan step variable. The data being collected is in a different order other than what the collection plan was expecting. This error usually occurs when you are using Devic ...
How do I setup WinSPC to get data on a timed basis?
WinSPC has the ability to prompt a device to send a reading, or prompt the operator that a reading is required, at certain intervals or at specific times during Data Collection. This can free up the operator from having to prompt a device at scheduled times, or it can remind the operator that ...
How can I customize the message box trigger?
Starting in WinSPC 8.3.4, the following visual properties can now be configured for the message box that is displayed in data collection as the result of a message box trigger: Message box background color If the message box is displayed as maximized (full screen) Font properties of the text (i ...
How can I control the numeric format (regional settings) used when a device interprets data?
When a serial (RS232) device, networked device, or text file device processes data values, it has to know what a numeric reading looks like. In some areas of the world, the decimal separator of a number is a period ("."), while in others it is a comma (","). Prior to WinSPC 8.3.4, these three ...
How do I create, setup and use a blueprint in WinSPC?
Introduction A Blueprint is a pictorial way to relay information to the operator. Blueprints can make data collection more intuitive to operators collecting data in WinSPC. The most common uses for Blueprints are to graphically define a variable's location(s) or specification(s) for the data ...
How does a WinSPC Excel Device deal with blank cells?
The Excel device, which, in WinSPC 9.0 and above, can open XLS, XLSX and CSV files, handles blank (empty) cells in the Excel worksheet depending on the features enabled in the device setup for the specific device location that will be processing the blank cell. A location in the Excel device ca ...
What is the Data Collection Log Out Inactivity Period, and how do I configure it?
Introduction WinSPC has the ability to automatically log out data collection sessions. This feature is referred to as ‘Automatic Logout Due To Inactivity’. This feature serves 2 basic purposes. The first is relating to security, the other is with regards to simplified license manage ...
How can I create a control test to count the number of samples in a subgroup that are out of spec?
In WinSPC 8.3.4, a new subgroup level control test type has been added that allows a user to setup a custom control test that counts the number of readings in a subgroup that meet a certain criteria (such as the number of readings outside the spec limits). Using this new subgroup level control ...
How do I configure a WinSPC Navigator button to open a webpage?
Each collection plan in WinSPC allows an administrator to link up to four documents to a series of buttons that are accessible in the Navigator screen and during data collection. To setup a Navigator button that opens to a specific web page: Set the default viewer for the Navigator button that ...
How can I quickly search or find an item in WinSPC?
Introduced in WinSPC 8.3.3, you can use the WinSPC "Search" functionality to easily find a WinSPC object that you are looking for based on its name. The search functionality can be accessed from within the WinSPC Administrator window, the WinSPC Navigator window, or the WinSPC Data Collection w ...
What is the difference between subgroup size, subrange size, and sample size?
Subgroup Size/Subrange Size: The term subgroup size applies to a variable characteristic and controls how many samples (also called data values or individual readings) make up a single plotted point on a control chart (called a 'subgroup'). The subgroup size can be any whole number (integer) gr ...
How do I setup and use a Text File device?
WinSPC has the ability to parse and read data into variables from various text files layouts (including comma separate variable (CSV)). Using the masking capabilities from within Device setup you will be able to read numerous text file layouts. WinSPC will be able to process a single file, or ...
How do I set my Navigator icons back to the default images?
WinSPC's Navigator button icons are customizeable for the first 5 buttons. By default, these buttons are SPC Setup Inspection Blueprint Instructions If you change the default icons to other images, but wish to restore them to their default icons, WinSPC 9 and Above: In WinSPC 9 and above, y ...
What is the difference between a Subgroup Level Control Test and a Sample Level Control Test?
Introduction WinSPC supports two different types of Control Tests: Subgroup Level Tests and Sample Level Tests. These two types of tests have different configuration options and are activated at different points in the data collection process. In short, a Subgroup always consists of one or m ...
What is the difference between the various Attribute Collection Methods?
Introduction There are 4 different Collection Methods within an Attribute's Advanced Setup under the 'Settings' tab. The method selected determines the manner in which the Standard data entry pane in the Data Collection module functions. The options are: Totals Add Tally Up Tally Down Totals Th ...
What is the Data Collection Ribbon and how can I use it in Data Collection?
Introduction The Ribbon within WinSPC's data collection Window is a visual aid intended to give your Data Collection operator additional functionality. The Ribbon serves 3 functions: Acts as an indicator as to which characteristic your operator is currently collecting data for. Gives your opera ...
What do the different colors in Control Charts and Plant Monitor mean?
Within WinSPC's Plant Monitor, Data Collection and Reports, items such as the data collection Ribbon, Plant Monitor cells, and plotted subgroups on Control Charts, often change color. What do these colors mean? If a characteristic’s subgroup contain Subgroup Level Control Test violations, ...
How can I quickly switch to a different collection plan during data collection?
When in WinSPC's data collection screen, the operator can easily find and switch to a different collection plan by pressing 'F6' or 'Ctrl+F' on the keyboard without having to lead the Data Collection screen. This is an alternative way of loading a collection plan without having to exit Data Col ...
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