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There were 26 articles found in this category:
  1. questionWhat is the WinSPC Application Server?
    The WinSPC application server, introduced in WinSPC 8.3.0, is a server-side component to the WinSPC system. It is a service that will speed up the rate at which WinSPC's analysis and reporting tools process data. Specifically, the application server will increase the performance of the followi ...

  2. questionWhat are the recommended operating systems and database servers for WinSPC?
    The information below represents a list of recommended operating systems and database servers for WinSPC 9.0. Other versions of WinSPC may have different recommended platforms and you will want to refer to your "Installation and Configuration Guide" for the recommended platforms for your specifi ...

  3. questionWhat is the correct order to shut down and restart servers in my WinSPC environment?
    The following is the procedure recommended when any WinSPC component requires an OS reboot, assuming you are on the most recent version of WinSPC (9.0.10 is the most recent release as of today), and that the all of the installation instructions covered in the WinSPC Installation & Configura ...

  4. questionHow to test SMTP communication through telnet
    Sometimes, it is necessary to test SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) to verify that a particular client can access and send email. This can be done by using the telnet application. For more information on the full process of testing the SMTP communication, visit Microsoft's website here: h ...

  5. questionHow do I activate my WinSPC licenses?
    To activate your WinSPC licenses, you will need to do the following: Run WinSPC on any computer and login as the admin user. Select "Tools" > "License Manager" from the drop down menu at the top of the screen. This will cause the "License Manager" dialog box to appear. You will need to kee ...

  6. questionWhat is the WinSPC Remote Directory, and where do I find it?
    What is the WinSPC Remote Directory? In most WinSPC installations, the WinSPC Remote Directory (sometimes called the Network Directory) is a shared folder on your network that is accessible to all your WinSPC clients. It is one of the three required components of any WinSPC installation, in ...

  7. questionHow do I install WinSPC?
    To install WinSPC, you should follow the instructions detailed in the "Installation and Configuration Guide" that comes with your WinSPC installation media (CD or download). This guide will take you step by step through the configuration of the WinSPC database as well as the installation of the ...

  8. questionHow to move a WinSPC database from one SQL Server to another (manual migration process)
    WinSPC has a built-in utility to migrate a WinSPC database from one database server to another. The migration utility will copy the data to the new database, enter a notation into the old database indicating a migration has been done, and update the WinSPC.ini file in the remote directory so th ...

  9. questionHow do I move (or migrate) my WinSPC database to different server?
    WinSPC has a built-in utility to migrate a WinSPC database from one database server to another. The migration utility will copy the data to the new database, enter a notation into the old database indicating a migration has been done, and update the WinSPC.ini file in the remote directory so t ...

  10. questionHow can I estimate the database storage requirements for WinSPC?
    To estimate the database storage requirements for your WinSPC database: Multiply your average subgroup size by 51. (E.g. 5x51=255) Multiply your average percentage of subgroups in violation by 66. (E.g. 2%x66=1.32) Multiply your average number of tag values per subgroup by 17.4. (E.g. 4x17.4=6 ...

  11. questionHow do I move the remote directory?
    The WinSPC remote directory is a network share that stores common files used by all of the WinSPC stations. If you need to move the location of the WinSPC remote directory, there are specific steps you must follow: Locate the WinSPC remote directory. If you do not know the current location of ...

  12. questionHow to configure Windows Firewall for Microsoft SQL Server for WinSPC
    This applies to all versions of Microsoft SQL Server, including the Express editions. To configure the Windows Firewall to allow SQL Server Express traffic: Open TCP ports 1433 and 1434. Open UDP ports 1433 and 1434. Add the 'sqlservr.exe' to the exception list (by default, located in: C:\Progr ...

  13. questionHow do I restore my backed-up WinSPC database if I'm running Microsoft SQL Server Express?
    This procedure is not meant to supplant or supersede documentation or best practices from Microsoft. If you find a discrepancy between this procedure and documentation or best practices from Microsoft, follow the documentation or best practices from Microsoft. This procedure guides you through ...

  14. questionHow do I backup my WinSPC database if I'm running Microsoft SQL Server Express?
    This procedure is not meant to supplant or supersede documentation or best practices from Microsoft. If you find a discrepancy between this procedure and documentation or best practices from Microsoft, follow the documentation or best practices from Microsoft. This procedure guides you through ...

  15. questionHow do I configure WinSPC to send external E-Mail?
    We would recomend SMTP configuration for best results when using WinSPC with external E-Mail for the following features: *E-Mail Triggers for Control Test rule violations in Data Collection mode *E-Mail Notifications for failures to collect data using Timed Data Collection *E-Mail PDF reports ...

  16. questionWhat are the hardware requirements for WinSPC?
    WinSPC Database Server WinSPC requires a back-end database to store configuration information and production data collected by WinSPC. Please refer to any hardware recommendations and minimums provided by the maker of the database server you will employ in your WinSPC deployment. For best perfo ...

  17. questionRunning the WinSPCSecurity program
    This article details how to run WinSPCSecurity to grant permissions to users or user groups for the local Windows workstation. The WinSPCSecurity program will set the minimum permission required to run WinSPC. This program should be used if the WinSPC operator does not have local administration ...

  18. questionHow do I manage the Microsoft SQL Server transaction log?
    If you are using Microsoft's SQL Server as the backend database for WinSPC, you may need to manage the database transaction log in order to keep it to a manageable size. The transaction log is used by the database server to record changes to a particular database in the event that those modific ...

  19. questionSQL Server 2005 fails to install with MSXML installation errors
    SQL Server 2005 (both enterprise and express editions) may fail to install due to errors encountered during the installation of the MSXML component. For more information regarding the causes and resolutions for this error, please see the following Microsoft Knowledgebase article: http://support ...

  20. questionTech Note: Installing (or upgrading to) WinSPC 8.0 on a Windows 2000 client machine
    If you are installing or upgrading to WinSPC 8.0 on a Windows 2000 client machine, it is recommended that you do the following: Download and install the latest Windows 2000 service pack and fixes from Windows Update. Download and install the latest version of MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Compone ...

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